Friday, November 23, 2012

Happy Black Friday

Well, last night was a first for me….I took my family (all four of us) Black Friday shopping.  Wow what an experience!  I can’t remember being in a line that long since I stood in line to see “Star Trek-The Wrath of Khan” (that was 1982).  On the way my sister from Colorado Springs called me so our families could wish each other a happy Thanksgiving, but this was a FaceTime call.  Gone is the long bungee telephone cord from the kitchen phone and enter the family watching each other and expressing pleasantries 2,000 miles apart from each other as I drive 65 miles per hour down the road.  That amazes me and should bring happiness right?

The line outside that red circular store was also astonishing as we arrived.  I remember looking at the ad in the paper and thinking as we pulled in, “I did not see free money giveaway listed?”  We got in line and entered the store and spend the next 3 hours trotting around the familiar isles with all of the randomly placed “Black Friday” deal displays litter here there and everywhere.  The kids did great and we where having a great time.  The amount of stuff people where hauling around amazed me and should bring happiness right?

Then came time to check out and wow, another line that rivaled my theater experiences. It winded all around the store, literally!   It snaked through isle after isle and fooled us at each turn thinking we were almost at the checkout.  I spent more time in the beauty section than I ever wanted to.  People where civil and having a good time.  All these Christmas gifts should bring happiness to many.  The huge deals are the beginnings of a “Happily ever after”, right?

We don’t have to even think about what the answer is, we know.   Sure these moments and materials make us happy, for a time.  Lets be honest happiness is a myth!  It’s fleeting, circumstantial and really never obtained.  No matter how many deals you get or how much technology you slather on, it vanishes as fast as it appears.  Happiness is a selfish lie that often keeps us from experiencing what God intended for us.  Joy is what we are really looking for and what God has provided.  It’s funny how you and I look for Joy but settle for happiness.  Looking for it at each turn, during each call and at each checkout counter.  Filling our lives with a counterfeit that will only keep us coming back for more.  Instead look for Joy and see what a difference it makes.

I pray you will bust the myth that keeps you from true happiness, that you would find God’s Joy this season!

(Psalm 4:7) "You have filled my heart with greater joy than when their grain and new wine abound"

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