Sunday, November 18, 2012

Good People

The 80’s had to be the best time in human history.  I mean we got the “human league” as a band, He-man as an action figure and Caddyshack as the best golf movie to ever hit the big screen (Tiger Woods got nothing on Bill Murray).  That is just to name a few awesome things to hit the world’s center stage when I was growing up.

Back then things where alright and we even had a song to boot, thanks Kenny Loggins!  As a matter of fact I was convinced that I was alright and the only thing I had to worry about was the Russians invading America (I practiced how I would repel such force weekly).  But in the middle of that myth I was slowing falling apart.

Certain that I had the world by the tail I started doing things I should have never done. I started to steal things that resulted in grand theft auto long before it was a game and I started going too far in my relationships with girls that resulted…well we will leave that one alone.  The reality was I was far from alright.  I was doing life by myself and it was starting to show.

(Ecclesiastes 4:8)  “There was a man all alone; he had neither son nor brother.  There was no end to his toil, yet his eyes were not content with his wealth.”

And that was me, never content and always in stress until I busted one very important myth.  The myth that everyone is good.  At the core we really know that is not true.  No one has to teach dishonestly or how to cheat.  No one has to instruct in the proper way to lie.  Instead we naturally do that which is destructive.  It’s contrary to popular belief, but once I realized I was not a good person, I begin the search for what would make me a good person.

In short it was Jesus.  He taught me through His life recorded in the Bible and the countless stories of people He impacted.  He taught me that life is never better alone, that I would never do life well without Him.  He accepted me as I was, broken, needy and messed up.  He showed me that I was not alright, but that through Him I would be.  It was then my torment of toil turned into a tide of tenderness.  It saved my soul.  Maybe it’s time you stop believing the myth you are alright doing life on your own and start seeking Jesus for answers?

I pray you bust the myths in your life, especially the ones that lie to you.

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