Friday, April 2, 2010

Re-read Mark chapter 2 when Jesus healed the cripple lowered through a roof. And go to Living Hope Church if you want to recap what was said in the message by Pastor Paul on Sunday.

There is more to Easter than just a beautiful day or birds singing a pretty tune. It’s more than solid or hollow bunnies (chocolate kind), more than going to church or a family dinner. There is more to the miracle of the day than just what we often see or even experience year after year. Easter holds more because it could not hold the one who made the day unique.

It started with the phrase “It is finished” (John 19:30) and ended with the exclamation of “They have taken the LORD” (John 20:2) And what was accomplished during that time completed the past and provided a way for the future for all who would allow Jesus to come into their lives.

Miracles happen all around us each day, people are healed, homes are restored, life continues amidst it’s fragility, things that are not suppose to happen-do and things are suppose to happen-don’t. All of these provide a gleaming light of faith, faith that the greatest miracle of all can happen.

What is the greatest miracle? It’s when you surrender your heart to Jesus as your Lord and savior. It’s when you stop running away, giving yourself away to others and start to give the most precious thing you hold to Him. When you give your heart to God.

Jesus did not go to the cross, die and be resurrected so that eyes could be made to see again, or that limbs would be restored or that people with cancer would be renewed. No, those acts are simple for a creator to fix! Instead the cross and the tomb where necessary for you and me to experience the greatest miracle of all. A saved, renewed life!

Will you bow your heart to Jesus today? Simply click here to say a prayer and get connected with believers that will help you in that decision.

“And everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.'” (Acts 2:21)

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