Thursday, October 4, 2012

Chuckie Cheese

There is a name that is above all others names.  A name that strikes awe, a name that is often synonymous with trepidation and amazement.  Yep you guessed it, it’s chuckie cheese!  “What” you say?  Well, yes in my home whenever this name is mentioned my son, Nathan, locks up and immediately goes into a bad mood.  Nathan is otherwise very witty, very funny and a joy to be around.  He finds the humor in almost anything and has a way of making you smile when you are trying to discipline him, (aughhh I hate that).

That is my son, easy going and often simple about life!  But there is something about chuckie cheese that invokes a response that is totally unlike my son.  Before we ever step foot in the door that name will cause a blank stare to transcend Nathan’s face and he will often stop talking to us.

That is not good.  To Nathan that name is not a good name.  But it still illustrates the point that a name means something, something good or something bad.  Each of us carry a name, but instead of just using it as an identifier in a crowd we might do well to ask ourselves, “what does my name stand for?”  “What am I known for?” 

Now I realize we are not perfect but that is not the goal.  The goal is to surrender who we are, including our name, to the one who is perfect…Jesus Christ!  That transaction means we are willing to let the one who is perfect, transform us.  I mean, is that not what happened when you became a Christian?  You took on His name and He transformed you and brought you from darkness to light.  So if that is the case, I encourage you to live, to speak, to act, to think, to respond as Jesus would.  Read your Bible, pray, serve others, have a life-giving attitude about church and become more like the one who’s name you carry.

Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body.” (1 Corinthians 6:19-20)

Do you think others would describe you as having a good name? What are you known for?
 What can you do differently to make your name better?
 Considering Christ’s work in your life, how do you plan to inspire others?

Here are a few additional questions to consider:
 Who is someone that has inspired you with their good name? What have you learned from this person about having a good name?
 What type of legacy would you like to leave with your name?
 What things do you need to overcome that are preventing you from having a better name?

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