Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Iphone, gotta have it

This week I did something I never thought I would do.  I bought my first iphone and finally joined the millions and millions of people that say it’s the best thing since….well whatever.  When the delivery guy came, he asked me, “Is that your new iphone?”  I said, “well I finally decided to make the switch.”  He noticed my sober attitude about it and taken aback said, “there is nothing wrong with owning one.”

It got me thinking, is there?  I mean so many people consider it one of if not their most valuable possessions.  They will do anything to get one and almost go insane if they lose it.  They will spend money they don’t have to impress people they don’t know.  They will camp out in lines for days even go to the extreme of having thumb surgery to better use your iphone.  (The unverified story of Thomas Martel)  As I have walked around this past week with my new phone, lets just say I have gotten a lot of attention.  Everybody seems to want this phone and will do anything to get one.

So, what is something you want more than anything else?  I think if we are honest in our humanity there is something material or relational that we would pay any price to get it.  For some it might be the new gadget for others it might be acceptance or belonging.  Whatever it is, there usually is something people desire over everything else.

They say that every man has a price and if that is true that means we will at some point in our life sell ourselves for it.  We will walk up to the counter and transact our soul for the most valuable possession we could ever obtain.  Now the Bible tells us what is the very best thing to attain in life.  It instructs us to do whatever it takes to get it, a lot like what many have done to get there new iphone.  It may cost you everything you own or will own, but it’s worth that sacrifice in order to obtain it.  It’s that valuable, that important that everything else you might ascribe to should take a second seat.

What is it?  Well it’s wisdom!  “Wisdom is supreme; therefore get wisdom. Though it cost all you have, get understanding.” (Proverbs 4:7)  That is a pretty strong statement, but over the years of my life and watching others, wisdom is the difference between a life well lived and a lot of pain.  It’s what a person will rely on or forget about when it comes to the decisions of life.  And it’s those decisions that determine your path.

My recommendation, choose wisdom! But not just any wisdom, choose God’s wisdom, in otherwords choose a relationship with God first for He is the beginning of wisdom!  And in the words of my fedex delivery guy, “there is nothing wrong with owing….wisdom”

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