Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Giving Your Best

A long time ago I heard a statement that really resonated with me. “You can’t divorce your belief from your behavior!” As I have watched myself and others over the years I have found that if this seems to be inaccurate, it’s because a person is not willing to acknowledge what their real behavior is.

See many times we believe things about our lives that are more positive than they really are and thus the negative effect of belief takes its course. As powerful as belief in something or someone is to propel us beyond our limitations, it can also keep us from acting on that which is inconsistent in our lives. Sometimes it takes looking at how we are living through the eyes of others to determine the best course of action.

(1 Thessalonians 5:11) “Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.”

We all have stories and memories of people that encouraged us to do something great or “encouraged” us to address an issue in life. You learned a lot from those people, they imparted to you spiritual life that has helped you become the man or woman you are today. Take the next few moments to read and reflect on these questions and passages of Scripture.

• What was one of the most important things you learned from your parents while growing up?

With your Bible or YouVersion, read Matthew 16:24-28 and Psalm 71:17-18. These passages encourage us not to be distracted by worldly culture so that we can be focused on training the next generation to be Christ-centered world-changers.

• What are some distractions in today’s world that keep adults from training young people in the way God desires?

• Why is it so important for adults to guide and train children to be Christ-centered?

• What are some things that your parents did or did not do while you were growing up that helped shape you spiritually into the person you are today?

Read Deuteronomy 6:4-9 and 1 Corinthians 13:11-12. These verses show us the best ways to impart spiritual life on the next generation.

• Who are some of the people that regularly speak biblical truth to you and your family? How have they impacted you and your family’s spiritual life?

• Why is it important that adults enlist the help of others when training children to live a Christ-centered life?

• In what ways can you raise the expectations of your own spiritual life and in the lives of those that you influence?

• How can you strive to be more authentic in your relationship with Christ?

• What are some things you can do to become a stronger spiritual example to the people you currently influence?

Here are some specific things you can do this week that will help you impart spiritual life to those you influence:

If you are a parent or have children who you currently influence, take time to evaluate whether or not you are successfully imparting spiritual life to them in the three ways we learned from Deuteronomy 6:4-9. Identify the areas you struggle with and commit to improving them this week. If you need to enlist supporting voices, find out about the opportunities our church offers to create those relationships for your kids.
Children can easily spot a fake. Take time this week to examine where you are not being authentic when it comes to your relationship with Christ. Work towards being more authentic in all areas of your life. Some next steps to consider could be spending more time in prayer, more time reading your Bible and spending additional time with other believers.

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