Saturday, July 3, 2010

Sword of the Spirit

What is the most powerful weapon in the world? Is it the MOAB (Mother of all bombs, 21,000 lbs), an aircraft carrier (4.5 acres of mobile military force), a smart weapon? No doubt these are powerful weapons, yet a believer in Jesus has a weapon more powerful than any earthly weapon. This weapon is God’s word, which is extended through us. As saints, we are God’s warriors, representing His Kingdom in this fallen world. We have authority and power through Christ; we also have a sword beyond any comparison in the physical world.

A little history: The sword used by the Roman legions was called the Gladius Hispaniensis, the word gladius is the Latin word for sword, the Romans adopted the Spanish sword in the 3rd century B.C. The Roman legions were in constant training with their sword. The sword was to become an extension of the arm; the legionnaire goal was for the sword to become 2nd nature.

Paul would have seen the legions training for hours on end, perfecting their skills in combat. New legions learning the process of sword fighting, the more experienced and trained legions sparing with the new recruits getting them ready for the battle. Paul envisioned the same for the Church at Ephesus in spiritual warfare. As the legions were proficient in their handling the sword of steel, Paul wanted the church to proficient in the Spiritual sword.

God’s sword is an eternal weapon, while the earthly sword is very limited in scope. God’s weapon is living, while the earthly sword has no life. Hebrews defines this sword for us.

“For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” (Hebrews 4:12)

The world is subject to God’s sword, Satan and his minions fear God’s sword, why do you think so many atheistic and Muslim nations outlaw the Bible? Because the conflict is taking place in Spiritual realms, Satan understands the power of the word of God. The word of God has the power to transform and pull down kingdoms.

For this reason, every spiritual warrior needs to learn to become expert in their handling the word of God. In the same way the legions of Rome trained for physical battle with a physical battle, the legions of God need to train for battle against their invisible enemy.

What shape is your armor in? Is your sword of the word in sharp and ready for battle? Is your foundation of faith grounded and firmly rooted? Can you stand up to the force of evil that seeks you every day? Do you have an open line of communication to your support and master strategist? Once you get into battle and need prayer that is no time to have to introduce yourself to God. So continue to put on God’s armor every day.

By the way, the guns during the service where not real! Come on do you really think I would pull out real guns during a message?

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