Friday, July 16, 2010


Sin is the leading cause of death in humans. Sounds a bit corny or obvious, but it's true. It's not found in the modern day medical journals, it's not a medical condition or disease but it's effect on the human being are just as destructive. It can have numerous mental, spiritual and even physical consequences.

Even though it's an emotion, anger will increase your heart rate, blood pressure and levels of adrenaline. Most of my vivid childhood memories are attached to anger related situations and many of them I have no trouble remembering the details. Like the time I hit a kid in school for the first time or the time the bully wanted to rip me limb from limb after class, even days that I hated my family and wanted to run away or change my name. The list goes on....

Anger can save you as much as it can shackle you. It is an emotion given to illicit a response to a situation and God gave us this emotion so we will respond to the right things in the right way. And that is the key, that we WILL RESPOND. And when we respond we will also continue to act when other motivations fade away. Anger is powerful enough to keep us engaged and passionate even when the reward is delayed.

But usually we don't get "righteous anger" we just get angry. In other words we let anger get a hold of us and when it does it takes all it can and leaves no leftovers. Anger left unchecked can cost a person their reputation, their relationships, job or career and it may even cost them their very life. It must be handled wisely!

So, what should we do about anger? Well here are the points I gave on Sunday, take them and put them into practice this week.

(Proverbs 29:11) "A fool gives full vent to his anger, but a wise man keeps himself under control."

1.) Resolve to manage your anger (decide today it will not control your reactions)
2.) Remember there is a cost (Each time we misuse our anger it will cost us, there is always a payout)
3.) Reflect before reacting. (In other words respond. Responding requires forethought and this thinking will change your course before you start on it)
4.) Release it, appropriately (Don't suppress it, repress it, or even express anger. Instead confess it so that you can get it out)
5.) Repattern your mind (Anger starts when we feel an emotion and connect a thought or series of thoughts to it, choose to only allow good and Godly thoughts to be attached to your anger)
6.) Rely on God's control. (Many people have no or little control and self help won't do anything but just mask the issue, ultimately you need Jesus in your life to bring about the change that can remove the negative reactions of anger)

"Father, help me to be a person of control and a person of emotion at the same time. I only want to get angry for the things that bring about the Kingdom of God on this earth, the rest I forsake today. In Jesus name-Amen!"

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