Friday, January 29, 2010


Who in their right mind would go without food, especially voluntary? It must be people that want more than what food provides. Food provides allot, it’s more than just sustenance, the source of energy (Genesis 1:30 & 9:3). Food was given by God for enjoyment (Ecclesiastes 2:24-25, 5:18). The variety of food found in creation is no accident. God meant for us to enjoy food, so praise God with a pizza and lift on high mountains what is dew His name!(pun intended) Which leads me to the next reason why God gave us food, for worship! Yep, all of God’s gifts are meant for us to worship Him with in some way, including food. The Apostle Paul tells us that every bit of food "should be received with thanksgiving" (1 Timothy 4:3). Hence, every meal becomes an occasion for thanksgiving. When we put food to our mouths at the beginning of the meal (Acts 27:35) and when we sit back in our chair with satisfaction (Deuteronomy 8:10), our natural reaction should be Godward gratitude. According to the Bible food was created to be a source of thanksgiving and worship. Finally, food is fellowship (Genesis 18:1-8). One of the reasons we take communion is more than a solemn ceremony on Sunday. It’s also for fellowship. Some of my best memories as a kid are from the dinner table. The family meal is a focal point for conversation, communication, discussion and teaching in our households. That's the way God intended it.
So why give up all these benefits? It must be only because a person wants more than what food provides. It must be their hunger goes beyond a natural hunger. They are still thirsty even after all the water one would want. They still desire something down deep, something profound, something powerful. As you continue to seek God this final week of the “21 days”, ask Him to touch you deeply and profoundly, with His power so that you will never thirst again.

“Jesus answered, "Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. … (John 4:13-14)

May your thirst only be satisfied by Him!

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