Friday, October 10, 2008

T.E.A.M Players

Teams permeate our society. We see them in sports, in business and even social events. But there is a team of people around you that is a little closer to home. Ever looked at you family as a team? A family functions best as a team. They function best when each person of the family T.rusts, E.mpathizes, and A.ppreciates each other.

Husbands does your wife trust you? Is she appreciated, do you raise the value of who she is? Are the feelings she expresses validated? Sometimes we men get too caught up in the facts and forget that feelings are more important to our kids and wife.

Wives are you believing in your husbands? Do you seek to understand the pressure they are under constantly? When was the last time you did something for him that was unique to his personality?

Parents do you trust your teen? If not what would it take to put the “T” in your family TEAM? When was the last time you got out of your world and got into theirs? Do you parent based on seeing external behavior change or do you know that from the heart (inside out) your children are growing and knowing eternal truths and lasting character?

I hope you noticed I mis-spelled team. A team is not a team unless you are on a M.ission. See if you are not on a mission with your spouse or children you are not doing all God intended. What mission should you and your spouse work towards? What mission should you and your teen align to? What mission are you on; Yours or God’s? Here is a good scripture for mission to keep in mind:

“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” (Matthew 6:33)

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