Friday, October 3, 2008

Back to School

I was driving to pickup my dad the other day and I saw a common sight this time of year. A school bus stopped in front of me to drop off a child after a day of school. The boy that came off the 10 wheeled yellow box and immediately started running down a dirt road, towards home. He did not stop, but continued to run until I could not see him anymore. I thought “I wonder if he is running towards a home that encourages him, that tells him God uniquely created him or beats him down and destroys the beauty of God in an innocent child.” “I wonder if he hates his dad or loves his dad, I wonder if the home he has nurtures him or constantly tells him he will never be good enough.” “I wonder if the report card he is carrying will mark his self-image?”

As I wondered many more thoughts in these few seconds I also prayed for him and his family. I ask you today, “What can make a difference in that boy’s home?” “What can reach deep into the inner rooms of his house and infuse life-giving love?” Can a reduction in taxes do this? Can no child left behind accomplish this? Can a new house change it? Can a new president descend this?

I am convinced that only God can and He has established the church (you and me) to herald His good news. It is us (the church) that can make that difference! It is us and only us reaching out to that boy and the many others in our communities that will bring the life of God to homes across America! Do we surrender this challenge under the thought of, “Surely Pastor Paul God will still touch that family if I don’t, God does not rely on me alone to be the voice.” Are you sure? Do you take that chance? It is not our position to determine this; it is our position to simply serve all those we can.

May God return to earth always find us serving each other and those around us, not for any agenda, but only to show the love of Christ.

“Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others…” (1 Peter 4:10)

If you are not serving, start serving for it will change a young boys home so when he runs home next week it’s a safe, Godly place. Until next week….

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