Thursday, August 30, 2012

The Real Horror!

Ever watch a horror film?  I am frustrated to admit that I have seen my share.  Many people are fascinated with them, even many believers.  They watch evil and death triumphing over life as a form of entertainment.  But it’s no screaming matter when the nightmare is actually chasing you down in real life!

There is not much more frightening in life than facing down something much bigger, stronger and more capable than you, a goliath that will take your very life if you stop to face it.  When faced with the option of confronting a “goliath” we usually opt to run away.  So we run and run and run from it each day.  Burying ourselves in work, friends, religion, habits, even addictions.  You name it we have some way of escaping.  And it’s often that tendency to run that causes our ultimate demise.  (Ever seen those animal shows when prey tries to run away?)  Eventually it will catch up to us, eventually we will tire out.  It’s just a matter of time.  Even youths grow tired and weary and young men stumble and fall.”  (Isaiah 40:30)

See we run so hard because we know that by definition a “goliath” is unbeatable and given the chance to catch up to us, it will kill us.  On our own we don’t stand a chance!  “Boy Pastor, that’s encouraging!”  Well, actually it is…but I will get to that in a moment.  Think about it this way, if you had a ring side seat at the David and Goliath fight, would you have put your money on Goliath because of his size, strength and confidence or on David because of his faith in God?

Now don’t cheat because you live in the 21st century and know the end of the story, instead place yourself in that story at that time and ask yourself again who would you put money on?  The truthful answer is Goliath!  As I mentioned before a Goliath is a Goliath because it’s undefeated and there are no Cinderella stories on this page!

So let me ask you, what is your goliath?  That massive giant in your life that the moment you stop running it will take you down?  Is it a big lie you are living?   A marriage secretly failing?  Decisions from your past that haunt you?  What is it that unless you get God’s help it’s going to kill your reputation, your career, all you worked and strived all your life for?  Remember you can’t keep running forever, it’s time to face it.

Now that you are looking at your goliath, I want you to look past that giant and see a God standing over him.  That’s right, behind every goliath is God, waiting on us to stop running and face our biggest fear with His help.  “Stop running and start facing!” is what God says to you today.  That’s your first step to living without your goliath because with God’s help, the victory is assured.

[More Than Conquerors]  "What, then, shall we say in response to these things?  If God is for us, who can be against us?"  (Romans 8:31)
1. Identify and write a description of your Goliath. Now, describe your God. How is God bigger and more powerful than your giant? Practice boasting in your God this week. By faith, declare how awesome and powerful your God is.  My giant may be _____ but my  God is _________.

2. Honestly face your fears regarding your personal giant. What’s the worst that could happen if you turned and faced your giant? Now imagine God coming through for you. What would this look like? Personalize and pray Ephesians 1:18-20 regularly. Seek prayer support from your LifeGroup.

3. Learn to recognize the taunting voice of the enemy coming through your thoughts and through others. What lies is he telling you? Take these thoughts captive and replace them with God’s Truth. (see 2 Corinthians 10:3-5)

4.  Like David, write out your own declaration of victory (see 1 Samuel 17:45-46). Be bold. God has already given us the victory in Christ. (Romans 8:37) Speak daily this declaration out loud until your giant falls dead to the ground. Share with your LifeGroup how they can stand with you until the victory is won.

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