Tuesday, February 28, 2012

What's In A Name?

Principle #3, RESPECT HIS NAME

One thing we as Americans love to do is express ourselves. We do it in our choice of
clothing, restaurants and cars. We express our inward conclusions on Facebook, Twitter, Foursquare and to our friends. Some of us even vent to ourselves, now I know none of you talk to yourself, Ha!

And for most of us the common way we express what is on the inside is through our words. So to get our thoughts and points across we will use inflections, tones and even strong words. Frequently we will cuss and use words that shock people to get their attention.

The most common is a phrase used to blame God for the problems in our lives and in this world. So a tragic event will unfold and you will hear it. A surprise is unveiled and it spills out. A person is amazed at a fact and it rolls off the tongue. Actually, I am impressed how frequent the phrase is used in everyday expression. What is the phrase you might ask? Honestly I don’t think I need to type it because by the title of this note and how common it is you most likely already know.

What is most amazing is how many times I have heard it from Christians. People that say they are following God seem to be missing one of the most basic components of being a believer. Respect! Respect of God’s name and what it represents. I mean it was in that very name they were saved from hell and eternal damnation. But still they will throw His name around in awful ways. It’s on their texts, their social sites, and off their lips. I have even heard pastors say it while preaching a message making me wonder, "Is he worshiping or cussing?"

Deep down inside we know something is wrong with this flippant attitude toward God. Let’s face some facts today. We do this more than we want to admit, almost as if it’s a more acceptable form of colorful metaphors. We would never drop the bomb, the mother of all cuss words, but somehow we think that form of expression is far worse than using God’s name in vain. To be real, I would rather have you say that than ever take His name in vain again. Strange to think of it that way? Try it, status update "OMG" and then use the mother of cuss words and see what kind of reaction you receive. I bet more people will be offended at your use of the "bomb" than "OMG".

Pastor Paul, what’s the big deal? “I mean I really don’t mean it this way when I say it. And besides “God” is not His actual name, it’s a term we use and He has accepted to describe who He is, the eternal one.” True, “God” is not His actual name, as a matter of fact we don’t know what His actual name is (Rev. 19:12)

The truth is that what we say we mean, even if we don’t mean what we say. The issue here is not as much the semantics of His actual name but the matter of the heart. See, it’s not the name as much as it is what you are expressing when you use the phrase. The name just becomes the vessel that carries the condemnation to Heaven. The expression comes with an attitude, an opinion, a heart disposition. What you are saying is “God you are the problem with this situation, with the world”. “God you have no power over this situation”. “God I hate you!” What you do is align with the evil of this world and strengthen their claims against God.

(Revelation 13:5-6) “The beast was given a mouth to utter proud words and blasphemies and to exercise his authority for forty-two months. He opened his mouth to blaspheme God, and to slander his name and his dwelling place and those who live in heaven.”

So which side will you be on? It starts with your words!

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