Friday, December 9, 2011

A wonderful Counselor

Wonderful Counselor” is one of the four names here describing the character of Jesus. But because we hear this every Christmas it may have lost some of its meaning. Hebrew, (the original language this verse was written in), actually describes an adviser, guide or counselor that is amazing beyond understanding or description. Today we hope to rediscover the meaning of this verse as we spend time with our “Wonderful Counselor.”

Over the years of being a pastor I have provided counsel to many situations. From personal to professional there is one common factor involved in a person getting better. Will that person listen and act on the counsel given them? You and I can be given the most accurate information possible but if we don’t act on it, that information is useless. The doctor tells you to stop eating doughnuts and instead each cheerios for breakfast is giving you great information, but come the next morning what makes the difference is what that person chooses to put in their mouth.

Jesus is our counselor for life and has equipped us with the Holy Spirit in order to live wisely.

• Read the following verses: John 14:16-20; John 16: 7-15

When Jesus left the earth, He sent his Spirit (a.k.a. The Holy Spirit) to continue as our Wonderful Counselor. So how do we receive this guidance, this advice, this counsel? God speaks to us different ways but most can be grouped into these 4 categories.

• The Bible

• Through our experiences

• Through others

• Through a still small voice ( 1 Kings 19:11-13)

These different way God speaks provides us many opportunities to get it right with what He desires for our lives. It’s wonderful to think that God cares for us so much that He finds different ways to communicate with us His life giving messages..

• Read these verses: Matthew 18:20; Luke 5:31-32; Isa 61:1

So He promises He will be with us and in that He will set us free. And this is really what it comes down to if we are ever going to find God’s life here on earth as He calls it a more “Abundant life” we need to listen to His counsel and do what He says we are to do. Take a few moments today and pray these life changing questions.

-Jesus, what one thing do you wish to change in me today? (Depression, hopelessness,

stress, materialism, financial issues, family tension, anger, loneliness, addiction,

your marriage, relationships, intimacy, fear, etc.)

-Jesus, What is keeping me from changing? (Be open to whatever He says)

-Jesus, what one thing can I do today to begin changing?

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