Friday, June 11, 2010

Famous Footwear

A firm footing and foundation is vital in life. It is especially important when the path before you is rocky and difficult. With the right shoes for the task ahead a person becomes steadfast and unmovable. That is why the Apostle Paul told us, “Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your toil is not in vain in the Lord.” (1 Corinthians 15:58)

Our feet are the method in which we move in this physical world; simply put its how you get from “A” to “B”. And often we chose which shoes to wear that day based on form not function. But as a believer in Jesus the ONLY shoes given to you is the Gospel. Paul describes them as “the SANDALS of the GOSPEL OF PEACE…” (vs15).

A little history: The Roman legion represented, the kingdom of Rome, where they walked was Roman territory, or was being conquered for Rome. The Roman boot was designed to stand ground in battle. The Roman boot was fitted with metal studs, like the cleats of football player, to help him maintain ground in battle. These shoes where state of the art for their time. It enabled the armies of Rome to march long distances faster than their enemy and arrive to the battlefield more refreshed than their opponent, ready for battle.

Just like Rome of its day, God’s kingdom advances and is unstoppable. What is the method God uses to advance his kingdom? Is it through the spread of democracy? Is it through higher living standards? Through education? No, it’s through the Gospel, the good news, which changes lives for eternity. Offering the lost person, liberty from satan’s power, is achieved by the spread of the Gospel. The territory we walk on is currently given to our enemy, satan. But regardless of the enormous effort put forth by him, they only way he can stop this advancement is when the saved person is not willing to tell others the Good News, the Gospel. It is here satan wins.

You say “oh I am not an extrovert”, or “I am scared to share my faith, or the dreaded “what if….” You forget there are many ways in which to share the Gospel. It can be offering a prayer, demonstrating the beauty and power of a saved life and of course actually telling people about Jesus. Sometimes we plant the seed of gospel, other times we water what was planted by others and from time to time we will get the privilege of harvesting that seed of the gospel and witness transformation from sinner to saint.

You and I abandon this pursuit because of many excuses, but they are all excuses! None of our reasons for not sharing stand the test to Jesus. Remember that you get to tell people the GOOD NEWS! It’s good for a reason.

“I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God made it grow.” (1 Corinthians 3:6)

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