Saturday, May 8, 2010

Off Track!

Being able to stay on course in life is one of the most challenging tasks a person can undertake. Why? Well because the many twists and turns that life throws at us. Some are a natural result of our decisions, others are unexpected. Being able to listen to God is a key skill that keeps a person on track through a variety of seasons.

Years ago Heather and I knew a friend who had parents that where deaf. They were very nice people and from the outset you would never guess what they did. When I learned of it, I must admit I was surprised.

One would think that a person that cannot hear would work to overcome that lack of a sense. And they did, but at the same time they also secretly where proud of how deaf they were. When they were around other deaf people often their interactions became a competition as to who was the “most deaf person”. When our friend told us this I was astonished and thought “why would someone proudly compete over a deficiency?” It made no sense to me. Now please understand, I by no means can relate to a deaf person and I can’t fully understand their struggles so I am not trying to demean them by sharing this.

But it makes me wonder how proud we are of our inability to hear God. Sure in and around our Christian friends and most definitely around the pastor we put our best ears on, but do we secretly settle for our inability to hear God’s direction? Do we honestly live each day with a pride that we don’t really need to hear God’s voice and make corrections in our daily course? I have realized that it often it comes out in a lack of concern or passion to find God’s will or hear His voice.

If that is you and you are comfortable or even secretly prideful for being spiritually deaf, ask God today to stir your passion for His voice and to bring clarity to His will for your life.

“Give ear and come to me; hear me, that your soul may live…” (Isaiah 55:3)

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