Saturday, March 6, 2010

Cluttered Lives

Church today seems to be in a state of disrepair. Makeovers seem to be what is on the menu. Clutter abounds in the many programs and opportunities churches offer today. What is funny is that it is not in the amount, but in the placement of them that creates or clears clutter. I have seen churches with few things that are cluttered, and churches with many things that are simple.

It seems counter-intitutive but it just is a clue to a deeper principle. The principle is that in God’s kingdom process reigns. There is a guy you need to get to know, his name is Hezekiah. He is a process guy. Called by God to lead the Israelites back to the God’s heart he had to start by getting rid of the clutter in the kingdom. His story is recorded in 2 Kings chapters 18 -20, 2 Chronicles chapters 29-33. In 2 Kings chapter 18 he starts off by throwing out the pagan idols (I can already hear the church leaders giving a rebel yell). He takes out the godless clutter better than any first person shooter game of today. He removes the competing objects of attention and affection. And all the church leaders where happy he had the guts they did not have.

But the next part of the process was shocking. He broke the bronze snake Moses held during their exodus.

(2 Kings 18:4) “He removed the high places, smashed the sacred stones and cut down the Asherah poles. He broke into pieces the bronze snake Moses had made, for up to that time the Israelites had been burning incense to it. (It was called Nehushtan)”

He did not just accidently break it or lose it he shattered something that God had instructed Moses to make, something that had been a symbol of their freedom, of God’s provision and protection. It was the source of the salvation from the snakebites recorded in Numbers 21:6-8.

“He got rid of it because it was clutter. It was clutter because people worshiped it. It took attention away from the real savior. Bronze was worshiped. A fake snake was adored. What was once a good thing became an idol. It got in the way of their worship to God. The tool for worship became the object of worship.” (Simple Church Book)

We have to be willing to let the things of our past go! Not just the junk that we disdain but also the things that brought us great memories. I am sure the Israelite's did have good times and good memories of Egypt. Most likely it was those good times that caused them to grumble against Moses when things got tough. They said “I wanna go back!!! I liked it better back there, I liked it better in slavery!”

What kinda crazy talk is that? It’s clutter talk, talk that says I like my clutter more than I like my God. So much I will offer my clutter to God instead of accepting His offering through Jesus Christ. I want my clutter more than I want God.

(Matthew 24:4) “Jesus answered: "Watch out that no one deceives you…”

BTW, that includes you. As you go through the Holy Spirit’ process of being made Holy we have to stay humble, pliable, flexible. Let Him remove the clutter from your life!

(Joshua 24:21) “As for me and my household, we will serve the Lord."

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