Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Bold Speaking

The Bible shows us that when we believe deeply, there are four ways we can use bold speech: speaking boldly to ourselves, speaking encouragement to others, speaking correction to others, and leading others to Christ. This week, strive to speak boldly in one of these four ways. If you are struggling with a sin, then ask the Holy Spirit to give you the words to boldly speak to yourself. If you know someone who needs encouragement, correction, or Christ in their life, then speak boldly to that person. The Book of Acts is full of examples of amazing boldness as the first church began the task of advancing Christ’s kingdom into all nations. During the Bold series, read the Acts YouVersion reading plan at As you read, be intentional about finding examples of bold living that you can follow.

What’s one of the most profound things that someone has ever said to you? How did their bold words impact you?

With your Bible or YouVersion, read Acts 9:28, 14:3, and 4:1-31.

These verses give examples of how bold speaking was used by the first church in the Book of Acts.

• We speak boldly about what we believe. How have you seen your speech reflect what you believe?

• Who are some people you know that speak boldly? How have you seen their bold words impact others?

• What things stand out to you about bold speaking from the examples found in Acts?

• What next steps do you need to take to work towards having the type of bold speaking the first church used in Acts?

Read 1 Samuel 30:6, Hebrews 3:13, and Proverbs 27:6.

These verses show us ways we can become bold speakers to both others and ourselves.

• What bold words do you need to start speaking to yourself starting today?

• Who do you know that needs to hear bold words of correction or encouragement from you this week? How will you go about speaking boldly to them?

• How have the bold words of others brought encouragement and correction into your life?

• Who do you know that needs to know Christ? What bold words can you speak that will lead them towards Christ?

5-Day Micro Devotional:

  • Thank God for the bold speech that others have spoken into your life.
  • Ask God to help develop you into a bold speaker in all areas of life.
  • Ask God to give you bold words as you speak to those that need correction or encouragement in their lives.
  • Tell God about your toughest struggles in life and your struggles with sin. Ask Him to give you the power to speak bold words to yourself.
  • Pray for those you know that don’t know Christ. Ask God to give you the bold words that help you lead them to Christ.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Amazing Boldness

Spiritual boldness comes from knowing Christ. In other words, the more Jesus builds your faith, the more boldness you will see in your life. Take inventory of your relationship with Christ this week and see what steps you need to take immediately in order to grow your faith in Christ. Those steps could be more prayer time, increasing your time reading God’s Word, or seeking a mature believer to mentor you. The Book of Acts is full of examples of amazing boldness as the first church began the task Jesus entrusted them with and advanced His kingdom into all the nations. During this series, read the Acts YouVersion reading plan at As you read, be intentional about finding examples of bold living that you can follow in your own life and share with others.

• What’s one of the most amazing acts of boldness that you’ve seen?

With your Bible or YouVersion, read Acts 4:1-22.

In this passage, Peter and John exhibit such boldness before the Sadducees that it tremendously impacted those around them.

• What can you learn about being bold for Christ from Peter and John’s example in Acts 4?

• Peter and John were ordinary people who spoke and acted with boldness. How do you think being bolder for Christ would impact you and your relationship with God?

• In what areas of life do you most need amazing boldness?

• Boldness is behavior born out of belief. What beliefs about yourself do you need to change that are keeping you from living with amazing boldness?

• Describe a time when you were bold. What was the outcome of your boldness and what did you learn from it?

• Peter and John’s boldness amazed the Sadducees. Who could benefit from your being bold for Christ?

• How would you rate your current level of boldness? What’s keeping you from being bold?

• Who would you describe as being amazingly bold for Christ? What about their boldness inspires you?

• As Jesus builds your faith, your boldness will also grow. What steps do you need to take immediately to grow your faith in Christ?

Here are some specific things you can do this week that will help you develop amazing boldness in your life.

5-Day Micro Devotional:

• Ask God to reveal what He would like boldness in your life to look like.

• Thank God for the bold people He has placed in your life who have helped you grow your faith in


• Ask God to develop amazing boldness in all areas of your life and in your faith in Christ.

• Ask God to deepen your faith in Him so that boldness will result out of your faith.

• Pray for those you feel would benefit in their faith by your boldness. Ask God to give you the boldness you need to impact them.

Bold Prayers

Ok, I looked and I tried really hard to find prayers in the book of Acts in which they prayed over their food, or said, “Lord be with me” / “Keep me safe” / “Watch over me” / “keep me safe” / “give me a better house or a raise”. Now I know God is not offended at these prayers and there is nothing unbiblical about them. I just wonder what type of prayer He expects to hear from us. I remember a few guys in the old testament that said before a king, “hey you can throw us into the fire and God will rescue us, but if he does not we will not bow.” (Daniel 3).

That bold prayer and bold statement is a far cry from the standard prayer today. I challenge you to stop praying selfish and small prayers this week and begin to pray bold prayers. Start by picking two or three bold things to pray for. Follow the example in Acts 4 by praying for boldness in your life and in the lives of others. If you or someone you know has a great need, pray that God will work a miracle in that situation. Consider sharing your bold prayer requests with others and ask them to pray your bold prayers with you. The Book of Acts is full of examples of amazing boldness as the first church began the task of advancing Christ’s kingdom into all nations.

During the Bold series, read the Acts YouVersion reading plan at As you read, be intentional about finding examples of bold living that you can follow in your own life.

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• What’s one of the most miraculous things you’ve ever seen or heard about?

With your Bible or YouVersion, read Acts 4:23-37.

In this passage, Peter and John prayed bold prayers before God that led to bold results.

• How would you describe the way you typically pray? In what ways do your prayers reflect what you believe about God?

• What stood out to you about bold prayers after reading Peter and John’s prayers in Acts 4?

• When was the last time you were amazed by the power of prayer? How did that experience affect your relationship with God?

• Why do you think prayers become bolder when they are prayed together in a group?

• What’s keeping you from changing your selfish and small prayers into bold prayers?

• What bold prayers do you need to start praying today?

• Peter and John’s prayers led to bold results. What bold results would you like to see come from your bold prayers?

• What impact do you think it would have on your church if everyone began praying bold prayers?

• In what ways have you seen the power of bold prayers build your faith in Christ?