Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Who are We?

I was sitting in my favorite Chinese restaurant last week when a prominent minister showed up on CNN. He was being interviewed because he allowed a Senator to speak at an aids conference being held by this minister’s church. It was just another sound bite until I heard the minister say about this leader, “He is a man of good character!” That statement really sent me spinning. What? This Senator is known for supporting and enacting many things that are against Christianity and even the Bible. Sure this Senator is popular, but how does this pastor know that “He is a man of good character!” The truth is he does not know. Only God knows fully the hearts of men and women and it takes us allot time to fully know a person. I live by a two year rule. If you know someone for at least two years you will just then have gone through enough life situations to get a good picture of their character. Why two years? During that time you will be around them as they express, experience and digress things like victory and defeat, loss and success, rejection and hate along with love and acceptance. You will see them act alone and in full view of the public. You will see how they treat those they say they love the most, you will see where they spend their money, and you will see if what they say matches up to what they do.

Maybe we are so wrapped in this world that we have lost the ingredients of a Christian and we just use the term. Maybe we are the Pharisees of our day, maybe we are not really Christians anymore! Since we so willingly align ourselves with people that oppose the things of God and do it in the name of collaboration, maybe we have crossed the line. Maybe we are just using the power of persuasion, rather than surrendering ourselves to the power of God to reach our worlds. Don’t get me wrong, I believe we need to take God’s light to the world and we need to connect with those like this Senator. But who’s leading who?

Just a thought!

Wednesday, December 13, 2006


If you are around LHC much you will most likely hear me refer to my favorite TV show called Mythbusters. It seems that all of life’s answers come to me through that show, nah-just kidding, but I really love that show! Honestly, when I examine my life I notice two venues warring to deposit information in my life. God’s Word and this world. We will get our life script from one of the two sources, bank on that! The World or the Word, just one letter separates the two. In God’s Kingdom His wisdom is not that close, but for us it is that close. Most of the time it only takes a thought tweek to get our lives on God’s Word and not on myths. Realize today as you study God’s word it is the ultimate mythbuster!

When I was in college I came across this scripture that tweaked my thoughts, it changed my life. “As he (or she) thinks within himself, so he is.” Proverbs 23:7(Footnote) This tells us clearly that they way we live life will be based entirely on how we view it, how we think about it. Those sleepless nights in which we roll over and over in our minds the way life should be, needs to be, and could be is the production plant for a life. “…My mind instructs me in the night (Psalm 16:7)” The Bible goes on to tell us to guard our hearts for that is the wellspring of life (Pr 4:23). That passage tells of how twisted wisdom will keep people from sleep (Pr 4:16), but sweet sleep comes from those that gain Godly wisdom (Pr 3:24). Regardless of where you go in life your thoughts are always with you. They will either pull you to towards actions that will establish a Godly life or destroy your life. Surrender your money myths, your evil thoughts, your destructive dreams to the Holy Spirit and allow the master mythbuster to build wisdom in your life. Don’t go another day without asking God to build His knowledge, understanding and wisdom in your life and never let that prayer leave your lips.

Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Here is Your Frosty The Snowman!

I guess we all need to be diverse in our skills.